Meet Madeline Bejanian
/By: Mr. Alec Bejanian
Featured in Issue #5 of World Success Magazine
“My practice in martial arts has allowed me to understand the importance of self-acceptance and self-worth in society. With self-acceptance, I can love the person I am and accept people the way they are. With self-worth, I learned that I can somehow leave a positive impact in the community by contributing to those around me”. – Madeline Bejanian
Madeline Bejanian was born and raised in Glendale, California. She is attending college, with a smile on her face, prospectively looking forward to the further comings in her life. In terms of the future, she intends to pursue the field of Business Law, through an English major, and eventually transfer to a four-year university of her choice.
When describing her identity, she says that her family definitely comes into the picture. She and her parents yield a formidable, personal connection. They have raised her and her brother Alec in such a loving manner, and have continuously enriched them with moral values since the day they were born. Their contribution of these principled teachings have allowed her to inherit the tenacity to strive forward and transform her dreams into the presence of reality. Ms. Madeline Bejanian says that “the credibility of all that [she has] and will achieve throughout [her] lifetime will go to [her] parents”.
“Madeline knows how to bring out the best in students. Her kindness creates confidence in students. No matter how you feel; as soon as you enter her class, you will be filled with joy and enthusiasm. I am so proud of her”. - Master Varouj Bejanian
Ever since she was four years old, she mentions that her experiences at Bejanian Martial Arts have been the highlight of her childhood and continues for years to come. As a child, she grew up surrounded by her dad, Master Varouj Bejanian, who was involved in martial arts and she ultimately took part in the sport herself. She started off as a Tiny Tiger and gradually became promoted the more time passed on. Throughout her engagement in the classes, she felt a strong essence of satisfaction when she inherited valuable regimens that the instructors talked about (discipline, integrity, respect) and implemented them in the course of her growth. This beneficial routine remained the more she became older; Miss Madeline eventually attained her Black Belt in 2013 and just recently earned her Second Degree on December 9, 2017.
A large majority feel that karate solely has a physical contribution and she disagrees based on what she has learned during her training. She believes, from her participation in martial arts, for the past fifteen years, that it has shaped her purpose and herself into the person she is today. She states that “My practice in martial arts has allowed me to understand the importance of self-acceptance and self-worth in society. With self-acceptance, I can love the person I am and accept people the way they are. With self-worth, I learned that I can somehow leave a positive impact in the community by contributing to those around me”.
Miss Madeline states that “Bejanian Martial Arts clearly has a focus to allow students to mentally realize their capabilities through their physical abilities. In other words, the students come to a realization that they each have the potential to become who they want to be and eventually contribute to society in some form.”
From starting off as a four-year-old student, and now continuing as a Head Instructor at the North Hollywood school of Bejanian Martial Arts, she can say that she’s glad to see that other children are starting off the way she did and are inheriting the same outstanding qualities. Each day they learn practical lessons from the Code of Ethics that they can implement to the foregoing of their successful futures. She is extremely glad that she has the opportunity to teach and witness each of them flourish in the depths of their learning.
-Mr. Alec Bejanian
“Mr. Alec’s Message” is published in World Success Magazine.
Featured in Issue #5 January 2018
Download a copy of Issue #5 here