The First Step Towards Success


By: Alec Bejanian
Featured in Issue #7 of World Success Magazine

Throughout my life experiences, I have discovered that through action and belief anything is possible. I have also discovered that some steps are crucial in order to turn our dreams into reality.

The first and most important step that initiates this process of success is writing a goal down. Literally, writing down the goal in clear words makes this goal understandable for your brain to receive and begin the process. When writing down these goals, it turns this list of dreams into more of a to-do list and makes these dreams more comprehensible and it makes them less far from reality. In other words, it makes goals more realistic and attainable.

Writing these dreams down also pins them down into the world, into reality. With dreaming and only thinking these dreams stay in the air and remain unclear; writing goals down pinpoint the exact outcome you are trying to achieve. Pinning them down, making them clear, and concretizing these statements that represent our goals is needed for goals to stay clear to us.

-Mr. Alec Bejanian

“Mr. Alec’s Message” is published quarterly in World Success Magazine.

Featured in Issue #7 July 2018
Download a copy of Issue #7 here