Head Instructor


Miss Madeline is the daughter of Master Varouj Bejanian and she started her training in martial arts at the age of three years old (as a Tiny Tiger). Miss Madeline now holds the rank of Third Degree Black Belt and title as Head Instructor at Bejanian Martial Arts, North Hollywood with her twenty years of martial arts experience.

Miss Madeline Bejanian graduated from UCLA Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors in English in 2020. She is currently pursuing a Juris Doctorate in law and intends to graduate law school and become an attorney.

When describing her identity, she states that her family definitely comes into the picture. She and her parents yield a formidable connection. They have raised her and her brother, Mr. Alec, in a loving manner and have equipped them with moral values since the day they were born. Miss Madeline says that “the credibility of all that [she has] and will achieve throughout [her] lifetime will go to [her] parents.” 

From starting off in martial arts as a three-year-old, she mentions that her experiences at Bejanian Martial Arts have been the highlight of her childhood and continues to be for years to come. Now, at the age of twenty five, she is ecstatic to see her students are starting off the way she did and are inheriting the same outstanding qualities of character-development, confidence, and resilience. Miss Madeline is grateful that she has the opportunity to teach her students practical life lessons and witness each of the students flourish while learning martial arts. She is confident that the students can and will continue to implement their learned, valuable life lessons in their future endeavors in life while simultaneously brightening their communities. 

Miss Madeline states that “Bejanian Martial Arts focuses on guiding students to discover their full capabilities in martial arts and in life through character-building. In other words, the students come to a realization that they each truly have the potential to become or surpass who they want to be in martial arts and in life.”

According to Miss Madeline, “throughout my martial arts journey, as a student and teacher, my purpose is to enlighten my students about the unlimited strength they already possess and can attain from within. My other initiative is to shine a light on the students to recognize that what they perceive as impossible can be made possible, if they exert their best effort.”